Engine Techs


Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Gladiator-class Star Destroyer (SWM06)

Liberty (SWM17)

Nebulon-B Frigate (SWM04)

Card text

[Navigate]: After you execute a maneuver in which you did not overlap a ship, you may exhaust this card to execute a speed-1 maneuver.


Type Support Team
Faction Neutral
Unique No
Recur Type [recur]
Points 8


This upgrade card’s effect may be used after Step 3: Execute Maneuver.

Official rulings

A ship that is equipped with Engine Techs and Fighter Coordination Team may resolve the effect of Fighter Coordination Team after executing a maneuver granted by Engine Techs as it is still a maneuver.


Apr 8, 2024 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

General Madine’s effect may not be resolved during the speed 1 maneuver granted by Engine Techs. General Madine’s effect resolves during a [navigate] command and Engine Techs effect resolves after the [navigate] command has ended.


Oct 12, 2023 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

For effects that allow a ship to perform an additional maneuver (such as Engine Techs or Rift Ambush), any effects that resolve after you execute the first maneuver must be resolved before performing the additional maneuver.


Sep 14, 2022 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

If a ship equipped with Engine Techs overlaps an Unarmed Station or Armed Station, exhaust Engine Techs. Stations are treated as ships when resolving effects.


Jul 10, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

In regard to Moff Jerjerrod’s effect, “Current Speed” refers to the numeric value that is currently displayed on the ships speed dial, and not in regards to the speed of any maneuver granted by another effect, such as Engine Techs.

If the ship’s “current speed” is speed 1, then Moff Jerjerrod’s effect would last until the end of that ship’s activation.


Jul 7, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Should read: “[Navigate]: After you execute a maneuver in which you did not overlap a ship, you may exhaust this card to execute a speed-1 maneuver.”


Jun 29, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

After this ship overlaps a ship, if this card is already exhausted it remains exhausted.

Dec 11, 2020 | Source: Rules Reference v1.5

The ship cannot use its Navigation command’s effect to increase yaw values during this maneuver.

Mar 9, 2020 | Source: FAQ v5.1.1

When the ship executes this maneuver, it can click the first joint of the maneuver tool using its usual yaw value for the first joint at speed 1.

May 7, 2015 | Source: FAQ v1.0.0

Community rulings

After a ship equipped with Engine Techs has resolved a Navigation Command, and after it has executed a maneuver, Engine Techs may be exhausted so that ship can execute a speed-1 maneuver. This speed-1 maneuver uses the usual yaw value of the first joint at speed 1.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

A ship equipped with Engine Techs MUST have resolved a navigation command during that ships determine course step in order to resolve Engine Techs after executing that maneuver.

This means if a ship did not resolve a navigation dial, it must spend a navigation token to resolve the navigation command. This token MUST be spent during that ships initial determine course step maneuver BEFORE the ship executes that maneuver. A navigation token or dial cannot be spent after initial maneuver to resolve Engine Techs OR add yaw value.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

If you declare the use of Engine Techs, and exhaust its card, once you have PICKED UP THE MANEUVER TOOL, you are COMMITTED to using Engine Techs. You can no longer change your mind and not execute the maneuver. This is because the only time you can handle the maneuver tool is when a ship is conducting a maneuver, if you were to place the tool on the table and use it. And then change your mind and remove it, you are CHEATING. You are gaining foreknowledge of your ships movement.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

Entrapment Formation only changes a ships speed dial, it does not resolve the navigation command.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

You cannot use Entrapment Formation to increase or decrease the speed of the Engine Techs maneuver, as it is a temporary speed 1 maneuver. You CAN, however, change your ships speed dial by 1 during the determine course step of Engine Techs.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

General Madine ability does not affect the maneuver granted by Engine Techs. Because General Madine’s ability must be resolved in the initial determine course step maneuver BEFORE the ship executes that maneuver when it must resolve a navigation command in order to trigger Engine Techs.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

If a ship has the faceup damage card Thrust Control Malfunction only affects Engine Techs if the ships physical speed dial is set to “1”. Other abilities can add the reduced yaw back.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

If a ship has the faceup damage card Ruptured Engine, if your ships speed dial is greater than 1, an Engine Techs maneuver would damage the ship. However if your ship speed dial is set to 1, it would not damage the ship.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

During Admiral Ozzel (Officer) movement, if you somehow have the ability to resolve a Navigation command, you could then also resolve Engine Techs.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

If Demolisher is equipped with Engine Techs, it cannot perform attacks after it executes the maneuver granted by Engine Techs.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

The maneuver granted by Engine Techs may be affected by G-8 Experimental Projector or Gravity Rift Obstacle.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM

In regards to Entrapment Formation!, Engine Techs, and G-8 Experimental Projector:

Can you use Entrapment Formation! Or other ability to change your Engine Techs maneuver speed?

A ship’s speed (on its speed dial), and the speed of a maneuver granted by an ability, are not the same thing.

When a ship uses Entrapment Formation! Or a navigation command to increase or decrease speed, that ships speed (shown on its speed dial) is changed, not the speed of the maneuver being performed by an ability such as Engine Techs.

Engine Techs is a set temporary “speed 1 maneuver”, regardless of the speed of that ships speed dial. When G-8 Experimental Projector are exhausted, they are targeting the speed of the current maneuver, not the ships speed dial.

Jul 21, 2020 | Source: KARM