

Separatist Alliance Fleet Starter (SWM35)

Card text

Once per activation, while a friendly ship is attacking a ship, if another friendly ship is at close-medium range of the defender, the attacker may change 1 die to a face with any 1 icon (and no other icons).


Type Commander
Faction Separatist
Unique Yes
Points 30


The effect of this Upgrade Card triggers during Attack Step 3: Resolve Attack Effects.

Official rulings

Question: Can card effects such as Admiral Konstantine, Luminara Unduli (Commander), General Grievous (Commander), Kraken, etc be used in conjunction with Unarmed Stations?

Answer: Yes, Unarmed Stations “are treated as ships when resolving effects.” with no size class and considered friendly to the player that controls their station card.


Jun 29, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Community rulings

Kraken can use this ability only once per activation when a friendly ship is attacking an enemy ship, and if another friendly ship is at close-medium range of the defending ship. During the “Resolve Attack Effects” step.

Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM

You can change a die in your attack pool to a face with a single icon showing. Meaning, you could change a die to a single hit icon, single critical icon, or accuracy icon. You could not change this die to a blank face, a double hit icon, or a hit/crit icon.

Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM

Kraken can use this ability when a friendly ship is defending with Salvo against an enemy ship and you also have another friendly ship at close-medium range of that enemy ship. Once per activation applies to enemy ship activations as well.

Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM

This ability does not work against enemy squadrons.

Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM