Intel Officer


Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Victory-class Star Destroyer (SWM02)

Nebulon-B Frigate (SWM04)

Card text

While attacking, after you roll your attack pool, you may exhaust this card to choose 1 defense token. If that token is spent during this attack, discard that token.


Type Officer
Faction Neutral
Unique No
Points 7


This Upgrade Card may be exhausted after rolling the initial attack pool but before the “Resolve Attack Effects” step.

Official rulings

A defender is able to spend and then choose to discard an Evade token before it would be discarded by Intel Officer’s effect.


Jul 22, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Question: If I exhaust Intel Officer and resolve its effect, am I able to then discard Intel Officer by Darth Vader (Officer) effect to reroll dice in my attack pool and still have Intel Officer resolve its effect if the Defender spends the chosen defense token?”

Answer: Yes. The Intel Officer declared effect would still resolve.


Jun 15, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Question: If I use Intel Officer to choose a defense token that was spent during an earlier step of the current attack (ie. Thermal Shields), is that defense token discarded?

Answer: No. Intel Officer only affects defense tokens spent after the card text is resolved and will not affect defense tokens that were spent prior to its timing window.


Jun 14, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

A ship with this card equipped can choose 1 of its own defense tokens when resolving this card.

Apr 2, 2016 | Source: FAQ v2.1.1

Community rulings

Email Clarification from FFG:
Q: Intel Officer Specifies that you have to use this upgrade after rolling your attack pool. According to the RRG, after means immediately after. So IO must be used immediately after rolling, i.e. before the modify step?
A: You are correct in your interpretation; Intel Officer is resolved immediately after the Roll Attack Dice step and before the Resolve Attack Effects step begins.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM

When a ship equipped with Intel Officer makes an attack, after rolling its initial attack pool but before the “Resolve attack effects” step, you may exhaust Intel Officer to choose 1 defense token. If you do, if the chosen token is spent, it is discarded.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM

Intel Officer Allows you to target 1 defense token of any squadron or ship in the play area for during that attack, this is possible because the card does not specify or restrict which defense token that can be chosen. This is why you can target your own defense tokens on the ship it is equipped too. (See Darth Vader / Devastator)

For example, When attacking a Rebel squadron that is not Jan Ors, but Jan Ors is at distance 1-2 of that squadron, you can target one of Jan Ors defense tokens. (For Jan Ors, one defense token is exhausted, and one is readied. You could target the readied token, and if it is spent, it is discarded.)

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM