XX-9 Turbolasers


Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Victory-class Star Destroyer (SWM02)

Assault Frigate Mark II (SWM05)

Card text

Critical : The first 2 damage cards dealt to the defender by this attack are dealt faceup.




This Upgrade Card may be resolved during “Resolve Attack Effects” step.

Official rulings

If a ship equipped with Fire-Control Team resolves the critical effects of both Assault Proton Torpedoes, and XX-9 Turbolasers, the damage card dealt by Assault Proton Torpedoes would be the “first” faceup damage card dealt and if any damage is then also dealt to the defending ship’s hull, it would suffer its “second” faceup damage card as XX-9 Turbolaser applies its effect. Only two critical damage cards would be dealt faceup in total.


Dec 8, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

If the first damage card dealt when resolving XX-9 Turbolasers’ effect is Structural Damage, the additional card dealt by Structural Damage would not be dealt faceup.

Then if another damage card is dealt due to the defender suffering hull damage, that damage card is dealt faceup due to XX-9 Turbolasers’ effect.


Sep 4, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

If a ship equipped with Fire-Control Team resolves both the XX-9 Turbolasers critical effect and the standard critical effect, only the first 2 damage cards are dealt faceup.

Apr 26, 2017 | Source: FAQ v3.1.1

Community rulings

During the “Resolve Damage” step, if any critical icon of any color is showing in the attack pool, and before damage is suffered, XX-9 Turbolasers may be resolved for its effect. The effect being that if a defending ship suffers any damage to its hull from that attack, the first two damage cards are dealt faceup.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM

General Dodonna resolves for each faceup damage card dealt, separately.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM

As per the FAQ, in regards to any combination of the standard critical effect/XX-9 Turbolasers or XX-9 Turbolasers/Assault Proton Torpedoes.

In the case of XX-9/Standard critical, XX-9 has the first two damage cards dealt face up, meaning the standard critical effect is resolved when the first damage card is dealt face up.

In the case of XX-9/ Assault Proton Torpedoes, the Assault Proton Torpedoes faceup damage card counts as the first face up damage. A second damage card will also be face up if further damage cards are drawn during that attack.

And in the case of the standard critical effect and Assault Proton Torpedoes, resolving both critical effects fulfills the requirements of both, in that the first damage done to a ships hull, is a face up damage card, meaning a 2nd face up damage card would not be drawn.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM

XX-9 Turbolasers cannot be resolved if the ship it is equipped too has the faceup damage card Targeter Disruption.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM

A defending ship that spends a contain defense token and also has Damage Control Officer equipped (and not discarded) will prevent any critical effects from resolving.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM

A defending ship that has Commander Gherant equipped (and not discarded), the attacker cannot resolve any critical effects.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM