2024 State of Armada Survey Results

Greetings Admirals, Moffs, Jedi, and Tactical Droids! Welcome to the results of the second annual State of Armada Survey.

This year, a total of 710 players from 31 different countries answered the call to complete the survey. Truly, thank you to each and every one of you for taking the time to share your opinions, preferences, and experiences.

Below, you'll find the responses to each survey question, along with a comparison to last year's results. The entire dataset is again available to download as a CSV file.

Since the first survey in 2023, the Armada community enjoyed another year of continued Organized Play support in the form of Store Championships and World Open Qualifiers. We watched the rise and fall of Commander Anakin and we adapted to the last round of errata and points changes. Sadly, however, all good things come to an end.

During the survey period, we received the unfortunate news of Armada's discontinuation. Despite this, the community's passion remains strong and vibrant. The path ahead may be unclear, but the game is far from dead. So keep rolling those dice and setting your dials. See you in 2025 for next year's survey, but for now, on to the results!

Download Results CSV

Tip: Clicking the year at the top of each chart will toggle its data's visibility. This is handy for viewing one year at a time.

Looking for the 2023 survey results? You can find them here.



Select your age group.

The age brackets of 19-25 and 26-34 from 2023 were mapped to 19-24 and 25-34 in 2024.


Which country do you live in?


How long have you been playing Armada?

Collection Size

Which most closely describes your collection?

Play Style

Faction Usage

Which faction(s) do you typically play?

Multiple responses allowed

Faction Preference - Most

What is your most favorite faction to play with?

Faction Preference - Least

What is your least favorite faction to play with?

Ship Preference - Most

What is your most favorite type of ship to play with?

Ship Preference - Least

What is your least favorite type of ship to play with?

Squadron Preference - Most

What is your most favorite type of squadron to play with?

Squadron Preference - Least

What is your least favorite type of squadron to play with?

Commander Preference - Most

What is your most favorite commander to play with?

Anakin Skywalker and General Draven were added in 2024.

Commander Preference - Least

What is your least favorite commander to play with?

Anakin Skywalker and General Draven were added in 2024.

Fleet Archetypes

Which general fleet archetype(s) do you typically play?

Question added in 2024

Initiative Choice

When you have initiative, do you usually choose to go first or second?

In-Person Play

Number of Games

In the past 12 months, how many games of Armada did you play in person?

Venue Type

In the past 12 months, when you played Armada in person, what type of venues did you play at?

Multiple responses allowed

Event Type

In the past 12 months, when you played Armada in person, what type of events did you play in?

Multiple responses allowed

Store Championship and World Championship added in 2024.

Local Community Channels

Which online channels does your local Armada community use?

Multiple responses allowed

Online Play

Number of Games

In the past 12 months, how many games of Armada did you play online?

Software Type

In the past 12 months, when you played Armada online, what software did you use to play?

Multiple responses allowed

Event Type

In the past 12 months, when you played Armada online, what type of events did you play in?

Multiple responses allowed

Online Community

Online Community Channels

In the past 12 months, which online Armada communities did you visit?

Multiple responses allowed

Reddit added to available options after first 37 responses. AMG Discord added to available options after first 113 responses. Both are new options in 2024.

Rules Reference and Blogs

In the past 12 months, which rules reference resources and/or blogs did you visit?

Multiple responses allowed

Videos and Podcasts

In the past 12 months, which videos and/or podcasts did you watch or listen to?

Multiple responses allowed

Fleet Builders

In the past 12 months, which fleet builders did you use?

Multiple responses allowed

Campaigns & Formats


In the past 12 months, which campaigns did you play, either in part or full?

Multiple responses allowed


In the past 12 months, which game formats did you play?

Multiple responses allowed

Custom Content


In the past 12 months, did you paint any of your own ships and/or squadrons?

Third Party Components

In the past 12 months, did you print or purchase unofficial models, cards, or other game play components?


In the past 12 months, did you play with any homebrew content?

Star Wars Armada: Legacy

In the past 12 months, did you play with any content from Star Wars Armada: Legacy?

Question added in 2024


Other Games

In the past 12 months, what other tabletop miniature games did you play?

Multiple responses allowed

Current State of Balance

On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being "very satisfied", how satisfied are you with the current gameplay balance of Armada?

Question added in 2024

Current State of Armada

On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being "very satisfied", how satisfied are you with the current overall state of Armada?

Future State of Armada

On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being "very optimistic", how optimistic are you for the state of Armada over the next 12 months?

It's interesting to note that while the individual weights shifted after it was announced Armada would be discontinued, the overall average remained at a pessimistic 2.23.

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