Turbolaser Reroute Circuits
Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)
MC30c Frigate (SWM12)
Card text
While attacking, you may exhaust this card and spend 1
defense token to change 1 red die to a face with a icon or 2 icons.Properties
Type | Turbolaser |
Faction | Neutral |
Unique | No |
Recur Type | |
Points | 7 |
This Upgrade Card may be resolved during the “Resolve Attack Effects” step.
Official rulings
A ship that has spent a defense token to resolve an upgrade card’s effect during an attack (such as Turbolaser Reroute Circuits) may spend a defense token of that same type while defending against a salvo attack performed by an enemy ship.
May 4, 2023 | Source: AMG Rules Forum
Community rulings
When attacking a target, a ship equipped with Turbolaser Reroute Circuits may exhaust that card and spend 1 Evade defense token. If you do, change 1 red die to a face with either the Critical or 2 Hit icon. This effect can be used even if the ship is at speed 0.
Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM
If a ship equipped with Turbolaser Reroute Circuits also has the faceup damage card Faulty Countermeasures, You cannot spend and discard exhausted Evade defense tokens, you can only spend readied Evade defense tokens.
Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM