Lira Wessex


Rogues and Villains (SWM14)

Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Super Star Destroyer (SWM20)

Card text

When you are dealt a faceup damage card, you may spend 1 Repair token to flip that card facedown (without resolving its effect).




This Upgrade Card may resolve any time a faceup damage card is dealt and a Repair token is spent.

Official rulings

No official rulings

Community rulings

When a ship equipped with Lira Wessex is dealt a faceup damage card, either from an attack or card ability, you may spend 1 Repair token. If you do, you may flip that card facedown without resolving the effect of that damage card.

Jul 18, 2020 | Source: KARM

A Repair token spent to resolve Lira Wessex does not resolve its usual effect, and instead resolves the effect given by Lira Wessex.

Jul 18, 2020 | Source: KARM

In regards to the timing of Garel’s Honor, Lira Wessex, and Hardened Bulkheads: The timing does not allow for Lira Wessex to turn a faceup damage card from Garel’s Honor, to a facedown damage card to then not be dealt by Hardened Bulkheads.
This is because Lira Wessex can only resolve her ability “when” a faceup damage card is dealt. A dealt damage card has passed the timing window of Hardened Bulkheads of “deal 1 less”.

Jul 18, 2020 | Source: KARM

Lira Wessex ability may not resolve when damage cards already dealt face down, are flipped face up by another ability such as Boarding Engineers.

Jul 18, 2020 | Source: KARM

A damage card chosen by General Dodonna’s ability, may be flipped face down by Lira Wessex before it resolves its critical effect.

Jul 18, 2020 | Source: KARM