Leia Organa (Commander)


Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Hammerhead Corvettes (SWM27)

Card text

When a friendly ship resolves a command by spending a command dial, if it has not resolved another command this round, it may resolve that command as if it also spent a matching command token. If it does, that ship cannot resolve additional commands this round.


Type Commander
Faction Rebel
Unique Yes
Points 28


This Upgrade Card triggers during a Ship’s activation when resolving a command.

Official rulings

A ship may resolve Leia Organa (Commander)’s effect when spending a command dial that matches one discarded by General Draven (Commander).

If it does, the command is resolved as if two tokens of the same type were spent.

Reference A, B

May 5, 2023 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Resolving Leia Organa (Commander)’s effect would also resolve Liberty‘s effect.


Sep 8, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

This card’s effect cannot be resolved when a ship resolves a command by spending a command dial and a matching command token.

Dec 1, 2017 | Source: FAQ v3.3.1

Community rulings

When a ship is resolving a command, if it has not resolved any other commands that round (during that ships activation or not), it can resolve that command and also “as if” it had spent a matching command token.

If a ship resolves a command in this manner, it cannot resolve any other commands that round. As per the FAQ, a ship cannot resolve a command dial + token and also gain Commander Leia Organa’s ability. The ability can only be triggered when resolving a command by command dial alone.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

Commander Leia Organa card ability is unaffected by the Life Support Failure critical card.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

Commander Leia Organa card ability is unaffected when spending tokens for Fleet Commands, or other similar effects like Boarding Teams. As that is not “resolving” a command. However, if a dial must be discarded, either for use by an upgrade card or otherwise, Commander Leia Organa’s card ability would NOT be able to trigger, as there is no dial in which to resolve a command.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

If Commander Leia Organa’s effect is used, it is also considered as having spent a token and would also resolve Liberty’s effect.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM