Hyperspace Assault
Core Set (SWM01)
Galactic Republic Fleet Starter (SWM34)
Separatist Alliance Fleet Starter (SWM35)
Card text
Setup: Before deploying fleets, the second player sets aside 1 of his small or medium ships and up to 3 of his squadrons; he does not deploy them during setup. Then he places 3 objective tokens in the play area beyond distance 3 of both players’ edges.
Special Rule: At the start of any round after the first round, the second player can deploy the ship and squadrons that he set aside at distance 1 of 1 objective token. Then remove all objective tokens. The ship can be deployed overlapping squadrons; the first player places those squadrons as though the ship had overlapped them while executing a maneuver.
If the second player does not deploy, he may move each objective token to within distance 1 of its current position.
Category | Defense |
Victory Points | 0 |
Official rulings
If the second player has a small or medium ship, they must choose one to set aside.
If the second player has no small or medium ships to set aside, that player may still choose to set aside up to three squadrons.
If the second player does set aside a small or medium ship, that player may also choose to set aside zero squadrons even if they have squadrons in their fleet list.
Mar 7, 2022 | Source: AMG Rules Forum
Unless a card says otherwise, upgrade cards that gain tokens when deployed (ex: Clone Navigation Officer or Parts Resupply) do not gain tokens if equipped to a ship that is deployed after being set aside by Admiral Raddus.
Oct 21, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum
If a player has no ships in play, their ships and squadrons that are set aside are destroyed. If the game goes to time, or the end of the sixth round, their ships and squadrons that are set aside are destroyed.
Dec 21, 2015 | Source: FAQ v2.0.0
Ships and squadrons set aside are not in play. Their abilities and upgrades are inactive and they cannot be affected by any abilities.
May 7, 2015 | Source: FAQ v1.0.0
When a squadron that was set aside is deployed, set its activation slider to display the same color as the initiative token.
May 7, 2015 | Source: FAQ v1.0.0
During setup, if the second player must deploy a squadron but cannot because they have no ships in the play area, their squadrons that are not set aside are destroyed.
May 7, 2015 | Source: FAQ v1.0.0
The second player cannot move objective tokens at the start of the first round.
May 7, 2015 | Source: FAQ v1.0.0
Community rulings
Ships that deploy from Hyperspace Assault ability can be affected by G7-X Grav Well Projector.
In regards to G7-X Grav Well Projector and Grav Shift Reroute, if you place those tokens in the play area, and then set aside the Interdictor they cannot be resolved. As a ship set aside cannot resolve any card effect. If you do bring a second interdictor with G7-X Grav Well Projector equipped, it will resolve both tokens.
Aug 11, 2020 | Source: KARM
When a ship equipped with Local Fire Control, Commander Kyrsta Agate, Aspiration, or other such cards, deploy from being set aside by Hyperspace Assault, it’s card effect resolve, since it is “when/after you deploy”.
Aug 11, 2020 | Source: KARM
A Hyperspace Assault ship can be deployed on or near proximity mines. As deploying is not a maneuver, it is a deployment or placement. Once a ship conducts a maneuver, if it ends movement near a mine, that mine can resolve its effect.
Aug 11, 2020 | Source: KARM