Gunnery Team


Core Set (SWM01)

Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Victory-class Star Destroyer (SWM02)

Assault Frigate Mark II (SWM05)

Card text

Concentrate Fire : The next attack you perform this activation can be performed from this hull zone.

Each of your hull zones cannot target the same ship or squadron more than once during your activation.


Weapons Team


This Upgrade Card ability continually affects the ship it is equipped too.

Official rulings

If an attack is performed against one or more squadrons, the Concentrate Fire command must be resolved while attacking the last squadron in that attack in order to then be able to resolve the effect of Gunnery Team.


Jul 27, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

The second paragraph of this card is a permanent effect regardless of the Concentrate Fire command being resolved.

Jul 18, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Community rulings

As per RRG, a ship can only attack once from a selected hull zone, however Gunnery Team allow a ship to attack more than once from a selected hull zone, however it cannot select the same target again regardless of other upgrades or card abilities unless otherwise stated.

Jul 28, 2020 | Source: KARM

If a ship is equipped with Gunnery Team, Admiral Ackbar’s ability may apply to both attacks performed from the same hull zone.

Jul 28, 2020 | Source: KARM

If either player’s objective ship in the objective Advanced Gunnery is equipped with Gunnery Team and attacks from the same hull zone during its activation, that ship cannot target the same ship or squadron more than once during its activation. But can target it with a different hull zone.

Jul 28, 2020 | Source: KARM

Ordnance Pods, nor Impetuous, are able to attack a target already attacked by a ship equipped with Gunnery Team from the same hullzone.

Jul 28, 2020 | Source: KARM

A ship equipped with Slaved Turrets and Gunnery Team can still only attack once.

Jul 28, 2020 | Source: KARM

Keep in mind the interactions between Salvo and the upgrade card Gunnery Team and the objective Advanced Gunnery.

Jul 28, 2020 | Source: KARM

How does Gunnery Team interact with Salvo and Quad Laser Turrets?

As per the card, “that hull zone cannot target the same ship or squadron more than once during that activation”. Meaning if an enemy ship or squadron attacks the same hull zone twice during “their” activation, you would be unable to Salvo or QLT that same target twice. You would only be able to attack them once.

Jul 28, 2020 | Source: KARM