General Dodonna


Core Set (SWM01)

Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Card text

Before an enemy ship is dealt a faceup damage card, look at the top 4 cards of the damage deck, place 1 on top of the deck and discard the others.




This Upgrade Card ability triggers when an enemy ship is to be dealt a faceup damage card.

Official rulings

Corellian Conflict Campaign
During an All-Out Offensive, this card’s effect can only resolve when a ship belonging to the opponent you chose in the Assign Targets step is dealt a faceup damage card.

Dec 1, 2017 | Source: FAQ v3.3.1

Community rulings

When an enemy ship is about to suffer damage to its hull that would result in a faceup damage card being drawn (either from an attack, overlapping an asteroid obstacle, or some other effect). General Dodonna allows for the player to look at the top 4 cards of his opponents damage deck. The player then chooses one card to be placed back on top of his opponents damage deck, while the remaining 3 are placed in the discard pile of his opponents damage deck.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

General Dodonna resolves for each faceup damage card dealt, separately.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

General Dodonna can only resolve against one opponent chosen in the “Assign Targets step” of an “All-Out Offensive” in the Corellian Conflict or Team games.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

It should be noted that the General Dodonna player does not have to reveal what damage cards were drawn to his opponent, as these cards are then placed in the discard pile which cannot be looked at.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

In a rare case of “what if”: If General Dodonna is equipped to a Hammerhead that is also equipped with Garel’s Honor, and his ship rams an enemy ship but would be destroyed in doing so, would General Dodonna resolve his ability before his ship is destroyed? Yes.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

General Dodonnas ability is not resolved when damage cards already dealt face down, are turned face up, by an effect such as Boarding Engineers.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

A damage card chosen by General Dodonnas ability, if it has the Crew trait, may be discarded by Medical Team before it is dealt and resolves its critical effect.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM

A damage card chosen by General Dodonnas ability, may be flipped face down by Lira Wessex before it resolves its critical effect.

Jul 10, 2020 | Source: KARM