Comms Net
Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)
Imperial Assault Carriers (SWM18)
Rebel Transports (SWM19)
Card text
After the Reveal Command Dial Step, you may remove 1 command token from this ship to assign a matching token to another friendly ship at distance 1-5.
Type | Fleet Support |
Faction | Neutral |
Unique | No |
Points | 2 |
This Upgrade Card may resolve after the Reveals Command Dial step.
Official rulings
Apr 11, 2022 | Source: AMG Rules Forum
This effect can only be resolved after the Reveal Command Dial step of the ship with this card equipped.
Oct 24, 2016 | Source: FAQ v2.2.1
Community rulings
As per RRG and the FAQ, Comms Net can only assign a matching token to another ship AFTER the reveal command dial step, which is when a player MUST declare if the dial is going to be used as a dial, or spend that dial to take a matching command as a token.
Jul 14, 2020 | Source: KARM
The Life Support Failure critical card prevents a flotilla from being able to save tokens, thus unable to Comms Net them.
Jul 14, 2020 | Source: KARM
The officer Wulff Yularen does not work with Comms Net, as the token is “removed and assigned” not “spent”.
Jul 14, 2020 | Source: KARM
The officer Commander Vanto has a unique timing opportunity with Comms Net. When you reveal a Repair or Squadron command. Those Dials “Resolve after revealing the ships command dial.”. Meaning, you can resolve one of those commands, then Exhaust Commander Vanto and gain a token, and now “After the Reveal Command Dial Step” you can use Comms Net to move that gained token.
Currently the timing on this is VERY technical and may not be intended by the developers. This has been forwarded to them.
Jul 14, 2020 | Source: KARM
Steps broken down to do Vanto and Comms net.
- Reveal Command dial. Example, Squadron. Declare using the dial.
- Per RRG “Resolve after revealing the ships command dial.” So currently IN “After reveal command dial” timing window. Resolve command.
- Squadron command has resolved, exhaust Vanto and gain a token of your choice.
- Now “After the Reveal Command Dial Step” use Comms Net to send the token to another ship.
Jul 14, 2020 | Source: KARM
Officers such as Raymus Antilles,Taskmaster Grint, Veteran Captain, share the same timing of “When you reveal a command”. Meaning, when you gain a token from their card effect, you cannot remove that token to assign to another ship, and then turn the revealed dial into a token to also assign to another ship. As stated, the passing of tokens with Comms Net takes places “after” the Reveal Command Dial step. See last bullet point.
Jul 14, 2020 | Source: KARM
In regards to Grand Admiral Thrawn, when a ship “reveals” its command dial, it also “gains” Thrawn’s dial at the same time. You must declare if these dials will be used and/or gained as tokens. See last bullet point.
Jul 14, 2020 | Source: KARM
You may decide to still turn the revealed (or gained) dial into a token, but it would replace any token currently on that ship. Note, this only affects Command 1 value ships, if in the future, a Card ability, or higher Command value ship can take this Fleet Support Card. This section will be updated.
Jul 14, 2020 | Source: KARM