Commander Beck


Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Onager-class Star Destroyer (SWM33)

Card text

During your activation, you may resolve a command as if you had spent a command token. If you do, gain 1 raid token of the matching type.

You may resolve this effect twice per activation.




This Upgrade Card may be resolved twice per ship activation.

Official rulings

When a ship resolves Commander Beck’s ability to resolve a command as if a command token was spent, it may resolve Admiral Piett‘s ability to resolve that command as if a command dial was spent instead.


Jun 3, 2023 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

When a ship with this card equipped resolves this effect, it is treated as if it had spent a command token of the chosen type. That ship can also spend a command dial of the chosen type and combine it with this effect.

Mar 9, 2020 | Source: FAQ v5.1.1

Community rulings

Commander Beck does fulfill the requirements needed to resolve Admiral Piett, Director Krennic, Nav Teams, Ravager, etc. As they only require that a command token was resolved with that command effect.

But as no physical token was spent by that ship, you fail the resolving conditions for cards such as Wulff Yularen, etc.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM

Commander Beck doesn’t replace any command tokens already on the ship. For example, if a ship already has a navigation token, and you choose to resolve Commander Beck effect for a Navigation command (as a token only). The physical navigation token would remain, and the navigation command would resolve “as if” a navigation command token had been spent.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM

If the ship has a raid token on it, Commander Beck does not allow a command to bypass raid, as raid prevents that command from being resolved until it is removed. Also, Commander Beck cannot be used to clear Raid, as it requires the discarding of a dial or a physical command token matching that raid token.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM

Commander Beck can only be resolved during “your activation”, meaning that ships activation.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM

Brooks: Her timing has an implicit “when you could resolve a command” because that’s the only time she would have an effect.

  • She can combo with other cards that reference resolving commands with command tokens, because that is what she causes to happen. (ex. Admiral Piett, Director Krennic, or Nav Team)
  • She cannot trigger more than once per command resolution (implicit timing above).
  • She cannot combo with Wulff Yularen, because no command token (the physical resource) was actually spent.
  • She can add a token to Pursuant. Probably? Pursuant’s language is a little weird, but doesn’t exclude a token like Piett does.
  • Corollary: Pursuant can also combo with a standard squadron command token.

There is a distinction between “resolving a command as if you had spent a command token”, which refers to the effect of the command, and “spending a command token”, which refers to the consumption of the resource. Just like how “resolving a defense effect” is distinct from “spending a defense token”. The rules language around command effects just isn’t as clear as that around defense effects.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM