Boarding Troopers


Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Imperial Light Carrier (SWM26)

Card text

When you reveal a command, you may discard a Squadron dial or token and this card to choose 1 enemy ship at close range. Choose and spend a number of its defense tokens up to your squadron value.


Weapons Team & Offensive Retrofit


This Upgrade Card may be discarded and resolved when a ship reveals a command dial and discards a Squadron dial or token.

Official rulings

To resolve this card’s effect, you must discard a Squadron dial or a Squadron token (your choice), then also discard this upgrade card regardless of if you discarded a dial or token.


Aug 3, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

To resolve this card’s effect, choose the defense tokens to be spent, then spend those tokens (one at a time).

Dec 21, 2017 | Source: FAQ v3.3.1

A defense token cannot be chosen more than once while resolving this effect.

Dec 21, 2017 | Source: FAQ v3.3.1

Community rulings

The defensive tokens are “spent” out of the attack sequence and thus do not resolve their effects. Any defensive tokens chosen that are “readied” are flipped to the “exhausted” side, and any defensive tokens chosen that are “exhausted” are discarded.

Jul 6, 2021 | Source: KARM

If a ship equipped with Boarding Troopers also has the faceup damage card Faulty Countermeasures which reads “You cannot spend exhausted defense tokens.”, then you cannot choose to spend and discard an opponent’s “exhausted” defense tokens, you can only spend “readied” defense tokens.

Jul 6, 2021 | Source: KARM