Beast of Burden


Separatist Alliance Fleet Starter (SWM35)

Card text

When you activate, you may exhaust this card and spend 1 or more of your defense tokens to chose up to that many defense tokens on friendly ships at distance 1-3 and ready those defense tokens.


Ship Type
Hardcell-class Transport
Recur Type


The effect of this Upgrade Card triggers during Reveal Command Dial step of Ship Phase.

Official rulings

No official rulings

Community rulings

When a ship equipped with Beast of Burden activates, but before it reveals its command dial, you may exhaust this card.

If you do, choose and spend 1 or more of that ships defense tokens, you then choose friendly ships at distance 1-3 and ready defense tokens according to the amount spent, which also can include Beast of Burden itself.

So only up to three tokens in Total across however many friendly ships in range. So either 3 on ship A; or 2 on A and then 1 on B; or 1 on A, 1 on B, and 1 on C, etc.

Jun 22, 2021 | Source: KARM

If you spend an exhausted token on Beast of Burden, it is discarded BEFORE you would have a chance to refresh it with this card effect.

Jun 22, 2021 | Source: KARM

If the ship Beast of Burden is equipped to has been dealt a Compartment Fire damage card, it cannot ready its own defense tokens.

However, if another ship has been dealt Compartment Fire, then Beast of Burden would be able to ready that ship’s defense tokens as it is Beast of Burden readying the tokens and not the ship with Compartment Fire.

Jun 22, 2021 | Source: KARM

If the ship Beast of Burden is equipped to has been dealt a Faulty Countermeasures damage card, it cannot spend exhausted defense tokens to trigger Beast of Burden’s effect.

Jun 22, 2021 | Source: KARM