Bail Organa (Commander)
Galactic Republic Fleet Starter (SWM34)
Card text
When a friendly ship reveals a command, you may discard up to 1 token of each type from this card. For each token you discard, that ship gains 1 additional command dial matching that token’s type.
Type | Commander |
Faction | Republic |
Unique | Yes |
Starting | 5:
Points | 28 |
The effect of this Upgrade Card triggers when activating a ship.
Official rulings
No official rulings
Community rulings
When the ship equipped with Bail Organa is deployed, “during the Deploy ships step of setup”. Place 5 command tokens of Repair, or Navigation, or any mix of those two, on this card. When one of your ships activates and “reveals” its command dial you can discard tokens (either 1, or 1 of each type) from Bail Organa’s card to “gain” a command dial of the token that was discarded.
Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM
The dial that is “gained” from Bail Organa may be turned into a matching command token.
Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM
You cannot resolve two dials of the same command, as stated in RRG, a command can only be resolved by the following. By spending only a dial, or a token, or a dial + token together.
Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM
In regards to “Raid”, Bail Organa dial cannot be discarded to clear all raid tokens. Only a ships “revealed” dial can do that, since Bail Organa dials are “gained” not “revealed”. However, Bail Organa’s dial can be turned into a token, and then used to clear a matching raid token, which then allows that command to be resolved if the ships dial is also of that command.
Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM
The Crew Panic damage card only affects the ship dial, not Bail Organa’s dial as they are “gained” not “revealed”.
Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM
The following officer upgrades such as Clone Navigation Officer, Navigation Officer, Engineering Captain, Tactical Expert, Wing Commander, Weapons Liaison, Defense Liaison, and Support Officer can only trigger and resolve, or resolve on, that ships “revealed” dial, not Bail Organa “gained” dial.
Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM
In regards to ships equipped with Comms Net, when a ship “reveals” its command dial, it also “gains” Bail Organa dial at the same time. You must declare if these dials will be used and/or gained as tokens, but it would replace any token currently on that ship before they could be “assigned” by Comms Net. Which takes place “after” the Reveal Command Dial step.
Jun 15, 2021 | Source: KARM