Admiral Montferrat


Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Imperial Raider (SWM15)

Card text

While defending against a ship, if your speed is 3 or higher, the attack is treated as obstructed.

After you execute a maneuver, if you overlapped a ship, discard this card.




This Upgrade Card may resolve during the Attack Step before the initial die pool is rolled.

Official rulings

A ship with a faceup Disengaged Fire Control damage card cannot target a ship equipped with Admiral Montferrat that is at speed 3 or higher.

Oct 24, 2016 | Source: FAQ v2.2.1

Community rulings

A ship at speed 3 or higher and equipped with Admiral Montferrat, is considered obstructed when it is defending against a ship. If this ship executes a maneuver that overlaps another ship, then you must discard Admiral Montferrat.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM

If an attacking enemy ship has the faceup damage card Disengaged Fire Control it cannot target this ship, as long as it is speed 3 or higher and Admiral Montferrat is not discarded.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM

Jaina’s Light ignores Admiral Montferrat ability.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM

In regards to General Romodi:

If the attacking ship has its commander as General Romodi and it is attacking a ship with its commander as Admiral Montferrat how does these card effects resolve?

First, if it is an attack from one ship to another, and Line of Sight is not traced over an obstacle or another ship, then Admiral Montferrat card effect will obstruct the attack. And the attacking ship will lose a die and not gain a die from General Romodi card effect.

However if Line of Sight IS traced over an obstacle or another ship, then General Romodi card effect will allow the attacking ship to not lose a die and it will gain a die.

Jul 17, 2020 | Source: KARM