

Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Nebulon-B Frigate (SWM04)

Card text

[Squadron]: Each squadron you activate may choose to only attack during your activation. If it does, while attacking, it may add 1 die to its attack pool of a color already in its attack pool.


Type Title
Faction Rebel
Unique Yes
Points 5


This Upgrade Card may resolve while resolving the Squadron command.

Official rulings

Upgrade card effects that effect squadrons activated by a ship (such as Yavaris or Flight Controllers) also affect squadrons chosen by Fenn Rau‘s ability when they activate.


May 5, 2023 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

A squadron that has moved or been moved by another effect, during Yavaris’s activation, cannot choose to resolve Yavaris’ ability. After a squadron has resolved Yavaris’ ability, it cannot move or be moved by another effect for the rest of Yavaris’s activation. Note that any effect that “places” a squadron is not a move.


Jan 18, 2022 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

If a squadron activated by Yavaris moves during that ship’s activation, it loses the chance to resolve Yavaris’ card effect.

For example, a ship equipped with Yavaris, Flight Commander, and Fighter Coordination Team cannot use Fighter Coordination Team to move squadrons, resolve a squadron command after executing its maneuver with Flight Commander, and then use Yavaris’ effect to add an extra die to their attacks.


Dec 19, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

A squadron activated by Yavaris that adds a die while attacking cannot resolve another effect to move during Yavaris’ activation.

Dec 11, 2020 | Source: Rules Reference v1.5.0

A squadron that attacks twice when activated by Yavaris cannot resolve another effect to move during Yavaris’ activation.

Mar 9, 2020 | Source: FAQ v5.1.1

Community rulings

No community rulings