XI7 Turbolasers


Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Super Star Destroyer (SWM20)

Nebulon-B Frigate (SWM04)

Card text

While attacking, if the defender spends a [Redirect] token, it cannot suffer more than 1 damage on each hull zone other than the defending hull zone when it resolves the [Redirect] defense effect.


Type Turbolaser
Faction Neutral
Unique No
Points 6


This Upgrade Card may be resolved during the “Resolve Damage” step.

Official rulings

Question: How does Adi Gallia and XI7 Turbolasers interact?

Answer: This depends on the order of effects, as resolved by the defender.

If no “Redirect” token is spent for the “Redirect” effect, there is no interaction.

If the defender resolves Adi Gallia before resolving “Redirect”, XI7 Turbolasers has no effect on Adi Gallia‘s effect.

If the defender resolves “Redirect” before resolving Adi Gallia, they must adhere to the restrictions put in place by XI7 Turbolasers while resolving Adi Gallia.


Jun 23, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Even if the defender is equipped with Advanced Projectors, XI7 Turbolasers prevents the defender from suffering more than one damage in total on hull zones other than the defending hull zone.

For example, if an attack deals four damage, a defender with Advanced Projectors must suffer at least three damage on the defending hull zone; the fourth damage can be suffered on any hull zone.

Apr 23, 2018 | Source: FAQ v4.1.1

Community rulings

When attacking a target, if the defender spends a Redirect defense token, the defending ship can only suffer “1” damage to another hull zone. The remaining damage is then suffered on the defending hull zone. XI7 Turbolasers overrules the effect granted by Advanced Projectors and other similar cards.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM

A hull zone with no remaining shields cannot be chosen by Redirect to suffer damage, as it has no shields to suffer that damage.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM

In regards to XI7 Turbolasers and Commander Kyrsta Agate:
Commander Kyrsta Agate card effect “discards” a defense token to resolve its effect and does not spend it. For example when defending, you could discard the Redirect with no negative effect.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM

How does ACM and XI7 interact?

Due to the timing and wording of these cards, when ACM resolves, it deals 1 damage to adjacent hull zones, for a total of 2 damage. XI7 doesn’t allow “more than 1 damage on hull zones other than the defending hull zone.” when a Redirect is spent. This is further reinforced in the XI7 FAQ.

“XI7 Turbolasers prevents the defender from suffering more than one damage in total on hull zones other than the defending hull zone.”

Thus if the Defender “spends” a Redirect, and the attacker chooses to resolve ACM, ACM would only be able to deal “1” damage, as the 2nd damage is prevented from being applied.

The defender is unable to redirect any other damage away from the defending hull zone due to the ACM damage.

The defender applies damages, and would be able to choose which adjacent hull zone suffers the 1 damage from ACM.

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM

How does XI7 and Superheavy Composite Beam Turbolasers interact?

As we know, damage can only ever be suffered 1 damage at a time.

With SCBT, the crit damage is being “suffered” ONE at a time, but it is the defenders choice of where that damage is suffered for reach on a selected hull zone.

Per the ruling based on the Xi7 and AP interaction, once 1 damage is “suffered” on any hull zone that is NOT the “defending” hull zone. The Defender must suffer the rest of the damage on the “defending” hull zone. They are not allowed to choose any other hull zone to suffer damage.

Following this precedent, once the defender has suffered “1” damage from SCBT on the “rear” hull zone, lets say. The remaining 2 damage from the SCBT MUST be “suffered” (one at a time) on the “defending” hull zone. As the defender cannot CHOOSE to “suffer” damage on any other hullzone that is NOT the defending hull zone.

So in a nutshell, if you, as the defender, resolve the redirect defense token. You can only “suffer” 1 damage on any other hull zone period.

The rest must be suffered on the “defending” hull zone. Meaning 1 crit damage else where, the remaining 2 crit damage on the “defending” zone, then its followed by 3 “damage” from the attack pool on the “defending” zone.

If you, as the defender, do NOT resolve the redirect defense token. You can suffer the 3 crit damage, 1 at a time, on any hull zone you choose. And then 3 damage from the attack pool on the defending zone

Jul 27, 2020 | Source: KARM