Jedi Hostage


Invisible Hand (SWM42)

Card text

When an enemy ship declares you as the target of a non-[salvo] attack, if this card is readied, the attacker gains a raid token of its choice, if able.

When an enemy ship at close range reveals a command, it may discard a [squadron] dial to exhaust this card.

While defending, if this card is exhausted, you cannot spend more than 1 defense token.


Type Fleet Command
Faction Separatist
Unique Yes
Recur Type [non_recur]
Points 3


The effect of this Upgrade Card triggers during attack step 1: “Declare Target”.

Official rulings

Question: For Jedi Hostage, if I’m attacking, what is the timing of when I am I assigned a raid token?

Answer: At the beginning of the “Declare Target” step of the attack.


Jun 29, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Question: For Jedi Hostage, if I’m attacking, can I choose to gain a raid token I already have assigned?

Answer: No.


Jun 29, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Community rulings

No community rulings