Emperor Palpatine (Commander)


Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Super Star Destroyer (SWM20)

Card text

After deploying fleets, place 1 defense token of each type on this card. At the start of each Ship Phase you may discard 1 of those tokens. If you do, until the end of the round, if an enemy ship or squadron spends a matching token during its Spend Defense Tokens step, discard that token.


Type Commander
Faction Imperial
Unique Yes
Points 35


The initial effect of this card triggers “after deploying fleets”, place 1 defense token of each type on this card. This Upgrade Card may be then resolve at the start of a Ship Phase by discarding a defensive token. If resolved, until the end of the round any time an enemy ship or squadron spends a defense token matching the spent token in the “Spend Defense Tokens” step, it must discard that token.

Official rulings

No official rulings

Community rulings

After player fleets are deployed, and before the start of the first round, place 1 defense token of each type on Emperor Palpatine’s card. At the start of a Ship Phase, you may choose to discard 1 of the defense tokens of your choice. For the remainder of the round, an enemy ship or squadron that spends a defensive token matching the spent token in the “Spend Defense Tokens” step, must discard that token.

Jul 7, 2020 | Source: KARM

If the ship Emperor Palpatine is equipped to is destroyed, a defensive token that was discarded and the card ability will remain in effect.
The only exception being if a 1st player uses the squadron “Han Solo” to destroy a 2nd players ship equipped with Emperor Palpatine before the 2nd player has a chance to resolve the shared timing during “start of the ship phase”.

Jul 7, 2020 | Source: KARM

Emperor Palpatine can only resolve against one opponent chosen in the “Assign Targets step” of an “All-Out Offensive” in the Corellian Conflict or Team games.

Jul 7, 2020 | Source: KARM

Emperor Palpatine can only resolve against enemy ships that spend tokens in the “Spend Defense Tokens” step. Any defense tokens that are spent “while attacking” that match the spent token, are not discarded.

Jul 7, 2020 | Source: KARM

Emperor Palpatine will resolve against Jan Ors card ability. As it is still a defense token being “spent” in the “Spend Defense Tokens” step.

Jul 7, 2020 | Source: KARM

The Injured Crew damage card only affects the ships defense tokens, not Emperor Palpatine’s.

Jul 7, 2020 | Source: KARM

If Emperor Palpatine is discarded due to Darth Vader (Officer or Boarding), any remaining defensive tokens cannot be discarded. However if a defensive token was discarded, the card ability will remain in effect.

Jul 7, 2020 | Source: KARM