

Upgrade Card Collection (SWM38)

Gladiator-class Star Destroyer (SWM06)

Card text

During your Attack step, you can perform only 1 attack.

You can perform 1 of your attacks after you execute your first maneuver during your activation.


Type Title
Faction Imperial
Unique Yes
Points 10


This Upgrade Card may resolve only after executing the ships first maneuver during its activation.

Official rulings

If Demolisher ends its maneuver overlapping an obstacle, it may perform its attack before resolving the effect of overlapping the obstacle.


Sep 14, 2022 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Question: Can a player choose to not resolve Demolisher’s effect?

Answer: No.


Jun 28, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

In the Minefields objective, if Demolisher is within range of a mine token after it executes a maneuver, it suffers the effect of that mine before it can perform its delayed attack. The attack is affected by any faceup damage cards dealt, and Demolisher cannot attack if it is destroyed

Sep 30, 2015 | Source: FAQ v1.2.0

If Demolisher is equipped with Engine Techs, it cannot perform one of its attacks after it executes the maneuver granted by Engine Techs.

Jul 24, 2015 | Source: FAQ v1.1.1

Demolisher only affects one of the ship’s attacks. It must perform its other attack during the Attack step of its activation or that attack is forfeited.

Jul 24, 2015 | Source: FAQ v1.1.1

Community rulings

In regards to Demolisher and Rift Ambush. Demolisher cannot perform any attacks after it executes the maneuver granted by Rift Ambush. As it is not the ships “first” maneuver.

Jul 22, 2020 | Source: KARM