Admiral Yularen


Pelta-class Frigate (SWM40)

Card text

When a friendly ship resolves a [squadron] command, if it spend a [squadron] token, it may activate 1 additional squadron.

When a friendly ship resolves a [repair] command, it may spend engineering points on the following repair effect:

Repair Squadron: Spend 2 points to choose a friendly squadron at distance 1-3. That squadron recovers 1 hull point.


Type Commander
Faction Republic
Unique Yes
Points 24


The effect of this Upgrade Card triggers after the Reveal Command Dial step, when executing a repair or squadron command.

Official rulings

When a ship resolves Admiral Yularen’s effect, if only a dial was spent to resolve a [squadron] command, it is resolved as a dial if a dial with a [squadron] icon was discarded by General Draven (Commander)‘s effect. Thus, Admiral Yularen’s effect would not activate an additional squadron.

However, if a dial and a token were spent to resolve a [squadron] command, Admiral Yularen’s effect would activate 1 additional squadron.

Reference A, B

May 5, 2023 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Spending a [squadron] dial and a token would mean a ship would resolve its Squadron Value amount per the spending of a [Squadron] Command dial, an additional one from a [Squadron] token, and also another additional squadron from Admiral Yularen’s effect.


Jul 10, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Community rulings

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