Admiral Trench


Invisible Hand (SWM42)

Card text

At the start of each Ship Phase, you may reveal and discard 1 command dial from this card. If you do, until the end of the round, when a friendly ship spends only a matching command token to resolve a command, that ship resolves that command as if it had spent a dial and token of the same type instead.


Type Commander
Faction Separatist
Unique Yes
Starting 4: [Command Dial]
Points 36


This Upgrade Card triggers during a Ship’s activation when resolving a command.

Official rulings

When a ship resolves Admiral Trench’s effect, if only a dial was spent to resolve a command, it is resolved as a dial if a dial with a matching command icon was discarded by General Draven (Commander)‘s effect. Thus, Admiral Trench’s effect would not resolve as if it had spent a dial and token of the same type.


May 5, 2023 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

If Admiral Trench is discarded or the ship that card is equipped to is destroyed after Admiral Trench’s effect is resolved, the effect would last until the end of the round.


Aug 10, 2021 | Source: AMG Rules Forum

Community rulings

No community rulings